i went to the 'beach' of Lac Leman on Wednesday. actually the beach is not a real beach. it's just the lakeside and there are some pools, nevertheless that's called a beach here. I finished school at 10, took the bus, and walked down to the lakeside. Then i arrived at the beach, paid the entrance fee, and walked around. it was my first time, so i was pretty much like a tourist. okay bref. than i swam for a moment, bought a super-expensive-panini (I should have brought my own sandwich!) bcos i was starving. then i sat on the ground. nope, i didn't want to have a suntan, I'm black enough you know. so i spent like one hour sitting doing nothing, seeing Switzerland afar, and then went home.
nah, the weird thing is i met my French teacher there. she was lying on the grass wearing swimming suit and eating apple. not that teachers are not allowed to swim, but it was just weird. i mean, you dont picture your teacher in a swimming suit and lying on the grass, do you? thank god it's france. i couldnt imagine seeing my indonesian teachers doing the same thing, it'd be awkward.
then when i was sitting back in the ground, i turned my head and see two nudists. two topless old ladies. i bet you've heard that French beaches are full of nudists. i didn't expect old ladies to be nudists (okay they still wore thongs), it was just weird seeing breasts being shown around. i told chantelle about these things and she said that she probably wont come to the beach, it's gross. but well there's a good thing, the pool guard was smokin' hot. yay. we'll go there next week maybe. anyway overall the beach was awesome, the scenery and ambiance you'll love it :)
okay that's all. now I'm sitting on the window, hoping for a wifi ( i take the neighbor's wifi connection lol), and actually skipping class. i don't have French class today, and i wag my physics class bcos there's a test (i can only come for 2 times per week, so i couldn't do much either. my schedule's a mess.) my next class is at 14h, still have plenty of time :)
bonne journee!
ps. untungnya sekolah disini gratis. jadi ga ada yang protes "udah disekolahin mahal-mahal juga!" haha
Adel.Did I tell you that I'm having some problem with this France language in your blog?
RépondreSupprimerWow! BEACH!!!! There's no freakin beach around Utah, which is sucks..well there's a lake..
Anyway.Yeah I agree that'll be awkward seeing Pak Razik or Frau Wuri lying in the grass with their swimsuit..HAHAHAHA.
Eh!You kidding me? I wouldn't want to see some old grandma's boobs.Thats just gross..
french dimananya rin? perasaan languagenya udah gue jadiin english.. aduh gue ga ngerti blogspotnya huhu
RépondreSupprimeruh seems like i'm not the only one who gets crazy with your blog del. keriting mata gue semuanya french gini huehe