Falling for you wasn't in the plan. It really wasn't. You intruded my plan.
But then,
I fell for you somewhere in between the giggles and smiles exchanged during our dinners. I fell for you somewhere between our birthdays. I fell for you somewhere in between the hustle bustle of working days. I fell for you somewhere in between the stolen glances and unfinished food. I fell for you somewhere in between the short trip to the praying room. Above all, I think I fell for you the hardest somewhere in between our conversations, somewhere among the numerous words in the many discussions of wizardry and the latest news.
But then again,
Life is a messy. It's supposed to be messy.
Coupling is a messy affairs.
And letting go, or —maybe, in this case—holding on, is even a messier business.
Yes, falling for you is unplanned. So is this whole mess.
But maybe, just maybe,
somewhere in between this mess,
We can find ourselves,
We can find each other's position,
And maybe, just maybe,
Things will end up good, whatever it may be.
Laters, baby! :-)

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