mardi 15 décembre 2009

six months

What? its already December? Six months passed by sooooooo fast! Things are going well, sing scores are vary. School's nice, friends are great. ive finally found where my next path will be, in Communication or Business. yeah yeah yeah

OKAY. Gue baru baca postingan gue sebelumnya ttg insecure feelings gue ttg coming back home, but now i'm like having a great time and great things. And the best thing is, i dunno how but i think i've changed a lot, like whoa. who i am today is not Adelia last year. I mean, okay skip that crappy part about independence and bla bla, but well, i think that ive changed 180 degrees . more extrovert, cheerful, witty (wew) and else. and i like love love love it. Apakah ada yg berpikir kalo gue juga sangat berubah dan jadi pecicilan tingkat tinggi?

okay actually i dunno what to write now. bye

1 commentaire:

  1. Did we just pass our reverse culture shock phase? hahaha.
    great to hear that you're feeling great Adelia.
    We havent talk for a while by the way.
    And oh I'm feeling great too.
    I think I already have someone who makes me feel like I'm 'home' and you know everything's just way good for now and I'm actually happy because I have to repeat my senior year.

    well, good for us.
    keep writing, Adelia.

    PS : I miss our random conversation! and I miss your blog. :3
