mercredi 12 septembre 2012

Concert and Ambitions.

So today i went to see a concert in Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of  music. Oh yeah, NUS has its own international conservatory which also has this amazing concert hall and a series of free concert. The 45-minute concert is the sneak peek of the orchestra's coming Magical Movie Music on Saturday. They played scores from Pirates of the Carribean, Gone With The Wind, some more, and... HARRY POTTER. You know that song heard when Harry's flying or playing quidditch? The title is Harry's Wondrous World. Hearing that in real orchestra version, like REAL music, wowed me. Breathtaking. Can hardly wait for the concert. 

Jason Lai, the conductor. Oh dear.

The concert left me with a thought... Conductor is the sexiest profession on earth. The hell with young executives with financial stability and else, conductors are much much much more appealing. Seriously. I'm so marrying someone from this conservatory. #EH

Bigger exposure on what world has to offer.

As i watch the concert and the wonderful scores, i went into the thoughtful part of my mind. yada yada yada, i suddenly realized that I am happy and content, and I cant ask for more. This is what I've always wanted. Being in a supportive environment to learn and develop yourself; exposed to the possibilities that you've never known; being in the best place to achieve what you want to achieve, knowing that your choices and efforts are the only thing that can get or bar you from what you want (well, except God). For me, those things popped in my mind when i was thinking about me sitting in the concert hall: I just finished a group meeting, I have these crazy long to do list, I gotta run errands, but here I am, still having time to squeeze in a concert to watch, swimming schedule, and social life. Yes this leaves me with major sleep deprivation, tight schedule, and love-hate relationship with my ever buzzing blackberry, but other than that I am extremely happy. I got the best of both worlds. And i said before, I am so grateful I cant ask for more. Alhamdulillah.

These past few weeks also opened my eyes, that there are more to life. There are limitless possibilities in the world that are waiting for me (and you). That you can actually be what you want to be, or in case you don't know what you wanna be, you can try as many thing as you want to get what you want, or just as a pursuit of happiness. 

There are more than just graduating from college and marriage and stable job. You can be a researcher, a professor, or anything. You can get as many degree as you want, and MONEY IS NOT A PROBLEM because if you try, there's always an answer, including on financial matters. There are more to life than just money and stability. Life is an adventure. Don't settle down, at least not yet. We're young and destined for something great. Carpe Diem, as The Dead Poet Society said.

Yes, there are more to life.

"You're young, of course you want to do many things! You have to do many things!" - Tommy Tjokro

"Trust me, this little town and little life wont be enough for you." - Klaus, The Vampire Diaries

My friends always say that I am ungrateful for being unsatisfied with my life and achievement, that I should be content with all I've already had and I shouldn't be too ambitious. My family don't like my ambition to pursue more and more on my education and adventure (after college), putting the stability and family plan behind. ( I am planning to get on my master degree before getting married, get as many adventures as possible, and have a high paying job before settling down. That means I will be at my late late 20s before thinking about marriage and kids and settling down. Most Indonesian people would reject the very idea). But then again, you only live once. I am not gonna die with a regret that I haven't done anything meaningful with my life. Not when I know i can do something about my life.

The notion of endless possibilities that have been exposed to me leaves me with a mental note: Don't stop, don't settle down just yet. There are more to life: bigger things, meaningful things. It is okay if you're not satisfied with what you have, that will make you strive for more. And when you strive for more, you do more, you will find even a bigger world. Wanting more is okay, it's a human nature. Be happy, don't forget to be thankful, and be content, but don't stop to get something more.  Because there are always more to life.

Singapore. Sept 12, 2012.

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